Marriah W.
As this was first philosophy class I have ever taken, I couldn’t have had a better experience! I went in with minimal knowledge on philosophical topics and in the end learned so much.
This class stimulated me to think deeply about my own and others’ actions and why we take those actions…
Of all the material we read, Harry Frankfurt’s On Truth was one of my favorites. It was a great way for Prof. Ruane to set the tone for the rest of the semester and also made me realize that I wasn’t valuing truth for all that it’s worth. Even so, my overall favorite part of the class was witnessing the true passion and excitement Prof. Ruane had for philosophy and, after a while, feeling those same emotions myself …
Hearing my peer’s opinions often made me think in new and deeper ways. I am immensely grateful towards Prof. Ruane for changing the way I think about the world, and preparing me for the deeper thinking I will have to do throughout the rest of my college experience, and even life.
Dan B.
Teachers like Professor Ruane are the reason I came to college. She taught a class which was very engaging and interactive. The class put big emphasis on learning and less on grades, and I found this was very helpful for students. The teachings in this class helped me to put a philosophical lens on my life.
Diosa B.
It was after weekly class discussions that I realized philosophy was clearly what I wanted to pursue. Prof. Ruane showed philosophy demands focused attention. . . I learned we shouldn’t rely too heavily on our previous realizations to guide us. This sort of adjustment had a positive impact not just on my first philosophy class experience, but also on the way I go through life each day.